OPINION:  Justice system needs to account for  mafia penetration


Although it is a fact that -by Constitution– The Judicial Branch and the Public Ministry have the autonomy to prepare their budgets and integrate them into the General State Budget, the truth is that this right is intrinsically linked to the duty to render accounts. An own budget allows them to have independence, not as it has been until now, which has suffered illegal cuts from the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Legislative, despite the fact that the latter should be the faithful guardian of compliance with the laws it approves. This independence provides the balance – checks, and balances – between the powers of the State, but under the principle of accountability. And we refer to the explanations that the Judiciary still owes us regarding the arrest of the former assistant of a Court magistrate who, allegedly, acted as a spy for a dangerous gang, whose members are subject to judicial investigation. How much is the Judicial Branch penetrated by these mafias? Are there more infiltrators? Why was the official under investigation fired? Will they investigate those who provided confidential information? Questions that cannot be answered with indifference.- LA PRENSA,  Feb. 14