Time  for government to comply with transparency commitment


The Cabinet Council has terminated the use of special procedures to acquire goods and services, in response to the immediate needs that arose with the pandemic, in March 2020. Since that moment has arrived, it is time for the president, the Minister of Economy and Finance and the officials assigned for this purpose to render a detailed report to the Nation on these expenses, not only verbally, but in writing, so that the Government responds for its decisions. Not enough – in any way – with the presentation of a digital report in Panama Buy. Officials must come forward, justify their decisions and explain in detail how the money was spent. At the same time, the Comptroller’s Office must also be responsible for its endorsements, approvals, audits, and investigations of these expenses. And the same for the controller: to stand up, not only in writing, but also by answering questions from citizens and journalists. The Government is committed to transparency. Time to comply. – LA PRENSA, Dec. 31.