Twin probes into mental health center


The Public Ministry has already begun to contact people who have reported abuse and discriminatory acts at the National Institute of Mental Health (Insam) following articles published in La Prensa describing the “hell” within the institution

The action comes after the attorney general in charge Javier Caraballo announced an investigation into the reports of patients who denounced libidinous acts, humiliation, verbal abuse, threats, discrimination, and violation of their human rights, by Insam personnel.

On Thursday morning, the National  Assembly Commission for Women, Children, Youth and Family chaired by deputy Zulay Rodríguez, formed a sub-committee to investigate the facts.

Deputy Emily García Miró, from the ruling Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD), will lead this group, which also includes Corina Cano, from the Nationalist Republican Liberal Movement, and Edwin Zúñiga, from Democratic Change.

The independent deputy Gabriel Silva had already referred to the issue. “This warrants an investigation by the Public Ministry,” he said.

Hours after the legislative sub-committee was created, the Public Ministry announced an investigation into the matter.

The La Prensa  investigation revealed patient testimonies about libidinous acts, humiliation, verbal abuse, threats, discrimination, and violation of their human rights by Insam personnel. 

There are stories of patients who were admitted temporarily, mostly voluntarily, with the purpose of seeking help to deal with mental health problems.

While Juana Herrera, director of the institution, said on Telemetro that they reported the situation to the Minister of Health, Luis Francisco Sucre, and added that he “issued all the instructions.” It did not specify what those actions are, but they would be “criminal proceedings and administrative proceedings. All of this took place at the time and is ongoing ”, explained Herrera.

However, so far the Ministry of Health has not ruled on the issue.