The ‘Green Gold’ Rush

The bill to legalize cannabis for medicinal use, which will grant licenses to process and grow marijuana, is something that must be viewed with more critical eyes. If patients feel that their medicinal derivatives serve their relief, it would be enough to import these products from the countries where they are manufactured. It is a procedure that is relatively short and would solve the problem of this population. However, it is worth wondering if the country – technically and institutionally speaking – is prepared to monitor and control what will surely be hundreds of hectares of cultivation of this plant.
You just have to see that a company interested in these licenses decided to pay the trip to officials who will make decisions about it, and they accepted it, as if there was no conflict of interest. Our’ institutions are going through their worst moment: politicians do not respect the law, much less ethics, so we have to ask ourselves why this rush, there are alternatives for patients. Do we have the best bill so that the activity it purports to regulate does not conflict with efforts to stop illegal activity? What we have seen so far are not the best examples. – LA PRENSA, Aug. 28.