Legalized Robbery of the State

Law 122 of December 31, 2019, which modifies incentive regulations for tourism, is a robbery of the State disguised as an economic stimulus. Already its birth gives a bad feeling: first, it is presented by the deputy Raúl Pineda (PRD), who does not stitch without a thread, and then, it is sanctioned by the Executive, no less than on the eve of a new year. Such legalized pillage had to pass low, because how else is it justified that the State should pay 100% of the value of a tourist investment, through tax credits to its investors. This law is not to incentivize; It is to distribute the treasury. And they have already begun to speculate, since there are promoters who, based on this legislation, propose expensive residential facilities, groomed for tourist purposes. It is unlikely that the signatures of the President of the Republic and the Minister of Commerce and Industries appear in this law, endorsing such dispossession. How could they access this rapture? If we are there, we are not surprised that something similar is requested by investors from hospitals, universities, industries, shopping centers, power plants, ports, mines, etc. Among unscrupulous politicians and businessmen, we will soon be foreigners in what was once our country, because what is not stolen, is given away- LA PRENSA, Aug. 6.