OPINION: Tiresome accusations

President Laurentino Cortizo affirmed yesterday that his government has not been and will not be eavesdropping outside the law. His statement responds to the repeated accusations made by former President Ricardo Martinelli, who is being prosecuted, precisely, for allegedly ordering physical and virtual monitoring of more than a hundred people. Martinelli has also been accusing Vice President Gaby Carrizo for months of being responsible for the annulment of the ruling that acquitted him and of being the architect of this new prosecution. Cortizo’s statement about the wiretapping in his administration contrasts with those that, at the time, Martinelli gave, ensuring that he had the pedigree of all, or the audios of telephone conversations of his political opponents that mysteriously appeared on YouTube. But if Martinelli insists that his conversations are heard by the Security Council, he must present the complaints before the judicial authorities in order for them to be investigated. His repetitive speech about his trial and that he is spied on by the Government is already tiresome, especially since he is unable to present a single proof of his assertions. As for President Cortizo, we hope we do not see him later sitting on this same bench. – LA PRENSA, Jul. 28.