Panama sets new daily vaccination record

Panama registered, on Wednesday, July 21, a cord number of vaccines applied against Covid-19, immunizing 73,643 people almost doubling the previous high of 40,727 of June 10.
The arrival this week of 966,970 doses of the Pfizer vaccine enabled the Health authorities to he circuits where these sweeps are carried out are: 2-1 (Penonomé), 4-1 (David), 6-2 (Los Pozos, Parita and Pesé), 6-3 (Las Minas, Ocú, Santa María ), 9-2 (La Mesa, Las Palmas, Soná), 9-4 (Atalaya, Mariato, Montijo, Río de Jesús), 8-7 (Ancón, Bella Vista, Betania, Calidonia, Curundú, El Chorrillo, Pueblo Nuevo , San Felipe, Santa Ana) and 8-8 (Don Bosco, Juan Díaz, Parque Lefevre, Río Abajo, San Francisco).
Since last January 20, when the first batch of immunizations arrived, the country has received 3,006,842 doses of Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines against Covid-19.