Chicken theft – fast justice, rob $50 million 13-yr delay

It took thirteen years for a court to open a criminal case against a former deputy and one of his collaborators for a case of alleged embezzlement to the detriment of an institution that has already disappeared: the Social Investment Fund (FIS), which, with a new name (Programa National Aid-PAN), was later robbed by officials whose cases have not yet been resolved.

What these processes tell us is that justice in Panama, in relation to crimes related to the nation’s heritage, is made for impunity to reign. The suspect of stealing a chicken is more likely to be convicted than a politician who confesses – publicly and in writing – to have stolen $50 million from state work. Our legislation only serves to protect the crime and relieve the guilty of suspicion. It is also, an intricate minefield, made so that cases are lost due to technicalities, without getting to the bottom of the facts. Panama urgently needs to establish more simplified processes and provide justice with legal and professional tools with high ethical and academic standards, strengthen it with economic resources and completely renew it. That, or we condemn ourselves to live without law or order. – LA PRENSA. Jul 4.