96.8% of world container fleet can now transit Canal

An increase in the length of ships using the neo-Panamax locks of the Panama Canal means that 96.8 % of the global container fleet can now transit the waterway shortening routes and benefiting economies around the world says the Canal Authority (PCA)
Since May, the length (length) of the vessels to transit through the locks has gone from 367.28 meters (1,205 feet) to 370.33 meters (1,215 feet).
The new length will provide shipping lines with greater flexibility in making decisions for the siting and construction of vessels with greater capacity that can transit through the Canal.
“This change was possible thanks to the experience of our human team that has operated the neo-Panamax locks safely and reliably during the last five years,” said the administrator of the Panama Canal, Ricaurte Vásquez.
The announcement comes after a series of test transits to confirm the safety of the operation. These included Evergreen’s Newt in 2019, with a length of 369 meters (1,210 feet).