Preventive detention for vaccine scammer who posed as doctor

ntee judge Adrián Hernández ordered, on Sunday, June 13  the preventive detention of Matías Pérez Escudero , who is being investigated in the clandestine vaccination scam in the Coco del Mar Suites building.

At the hearing, the Superior Anti-Corruption Prosecutor, Ruth Morcillo , said  that the defendant is linked to two days of clandestine vaccinations, one on June 1 and the other on June 7, after the WhatsApp contact by which the  the calls were made was verified,

Morcillo indicated that an analysis of the vaccines handled by Pérez Escudero would have determined that they do not belong to the lots of the Ministry of Health (Minsa).

The judge also legalized the arrest and indictment of Pérez Escudero for the alleged commission of the crimes of fraud, against public faith and illegal exercise of the medical profession. El Siglo reports that he was previously charged as Dr Adames.

There was a 15-minute recess in the hearing to study alternative solutions to the process, such as a penalty agreement or any other of the options allowed by the Penal Code  reports La Prensa but, this option was finally rejected by the judge, given the seriousness of the crimes charged.

Pérez Escudero, 40, is the man who on Monday, June 7, was surprised by La Prensa at local 9 at Coco del Mar Suites, carrying a black briefcase with alleged doses of the vaccine against Covid-19 from the pharmaceutical company Pfizer. The doses were applied o 17 people, who allegedly paid $200 each.

“This comes from above. This is being done out of friendship. This is another center, like Rommel Fernández, ”Pérez Escudero told La Prensa journalist Flor Mizrachi.

Pérez Escudero told Mizrachi to speak with Saúl Pastrana, from the Ministry of Health but there is no one with that name on the entity’s payroll.