Government enabled vaccine black market

The Health Minister has asked the population to be vigilant against clandestine vaccinations, such as the one discovered last Monday. This request is absurd for several reasons. The first, because the population has done it, not only in the case of vaccines – which several complaints have made about it, including the quasi-clandestine vaccination in the National Assembly – but in innumerable situations of evident corruption without consequences for anyone. So, a vigil in that direction is almost useless. Second, the Government has been in the custody of the vaccines all the time and what has happened shows the weakness of its controls, because we have seen that not even with the police is the property of Panamanians respected.
On the other hand, it is worth wondering if those vaccinated clandestinely are entirely to blame for this black market. It was the Government that decided to maintain absolute control of the vaccines, despite the fact that private sector hospitals offered to administer the vaccine at no cost. No, not all the fault lies with the vaccinated. The erratic vaccination schedule – which has displaced the chronically ill – also leads to despair. And the fault of that also belongs to the Government LA PRENSA, Jun. 9