Martinelli avoids chance to clear his name
The defense of Ricardo Martinelli has tried to end the prosecution process against his client, in the case of the punctures, [wiretaps] making use of the formalities of the law, in this case, the prescription. It is obvious that he is within his rights, but a decision based on that reason will never clear the doubts about the accusations and suspicions that weigh on him in the illegal espionage of dozens and dozens of people, many of them, his enemies and political and commercial rivals, journalists, officials, and even close collaborators. The suspicions were fed by the accused himself, who never ceased to boast of having a file on everyone, especially his critics or adversaries. For someone who claims and vociferates his innocence, a disservice is done if these accusations are not dismissed in a public trial. And although the request for prescription of the case was not granted, it is clear that these maneuvers seek at all costs to delay the start of this second trial. A person who seeks to rule the country (again) should offer us a candidacy free from suspicion. Trust doesn’t come with the job – you have to earn it. And you don’t win by dodging the only way you can get rid of suspicion. LA PRENSA, Jun. 6.