OPINION -The Lottery Untouchables

The National Charity Lottery has historically been robbed by political groups that shamelessly abuse an institution created to support those Panamanians with great needs. They fatten their pockets and those of those close to them without a trace of regret. They inflate the payroll to pay favors of all kinds and, what is worse, they have turned the nobility that in the beginning characterized the institution into one more source of corruption. Another black hole in which they feel confident that they can do whatever they want with the peace of mind that nothing will happen to them. The worst thing about this tragedy is that the entire country knows what is happening, the perpetrators do not hide it and their supporters even denounce it. It is time for someone to put a stop to the gangsterdom of Molirena without restrictions, that with the excuse of being part of the government alliance knows itself untouchable. That someone is the head of the government, President Laurentino Cortizo, who seems to use the principle of the presumption of innocence as convenient. What a disappointment! Many believed him when he said there would be no untouchables. LA  PRENSA,May 27.