Mining and the Constitution

Article 114 of the Constitution states that “it is the fundamental duty of the State to guarantee that the population lives in a healthy environment free of contamination, where air, water and food satisfy the requirements of the adequate development of human life. “ In any other place, this would demand the achievement of profitable and environmentally friendly public policies and projects. But what we see is a total absence of objectives, communication and agendas between the entities concerned with preserving that principle enshrined in the Constitution…
While, on the one hand, a mine is allegedly controlled and sanctioned, on the other, the practice of this open-pit activity is promoted and more hectares are reserved for its development, at the expense of protected areas; If one body declares an exploitation contract unconstitutional, the other reaches an understanding so that the concessionaire, in any case, maintains its operation, with the argument of protecting jobs and the post-pandemic economic reactivation. It is time for our leaders to honor their constitutional duties and pursue sustainable development strategies. It shouldn’t be that difficult.- LA PRENSA, May 28