Lawmakers form VIP line for vaccinations

The Ministry of Health (Minsa) will investigate the decision to assign covid vaccines to the National Assembly after Health Minister Francisco Sucre revealed on Friday afternoon that the Ministry did not authorize the vaccines
“There is a vaccine operations center, we have to verify where, how, and when the decision was made,” said Sucre.
A deputy who requested anonymity told La Prensa that everyone received an email inviting them to a vaccination day on Friday, May 21, 2021, at 9:00 am in the Assembly auditorium. Although the invitation was for the deputies, their trusted personnel and other officials also participate in the day.
The measure threatens the vaccination schedule of the Minsa, since it passes over groups that are still waiting to be inoculated. For example, there is a population over 60 years old in the interior of the country who have not received the first dose.
It is not the first time that VIP vaccination cases have come to light: at the beginning of the process, relatives of the president of the Legislative Assembly, Marcos Castillero, were vaccinated in Veraguas, skipping the priority groups.