Spreading disgust and confusion

The National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc) has unilaterally decided to keep some beaches in the country closed. This, despite the fact that its partial opening on weekdays would have been authorized by the authorities.

 Sinaproc’s concern is understandable, although planting red flags on beaches for health reasons is something that should be a decision for other bodies. Banning the use of beaches has exacerbated spirits, since such an announcement causes not only disgust, but also confusion, because in a matter of days, there were both advances and setbacks, which generated such a degree of confusion that no longer knows who to believe.

These decisions must be coordinated and communicated through a single channel, since, far from clarifying, a restriction measure explained by five or ten officials who, above all, are not coordinated, it will inevitably end with five or ten versions –and in many cases different– of the same event, since the message is distorted with each version that is given. After 10 months of announcements and press conferences, you would think that all this would have been understood and overcome, but every day we see the same people with the same entanglements. And now Sinaproc is added. Frankly, this has no solution. It is easier to start from scratch than to fix such incompetence. this has no solution. It is easier to start from scratch than to fix such incompetence. this has no solution. It is easier to start from scratch than to fix such incompetence. LA PRENSA, Jan. 16