Panama leads world in ship registrations

The Panama Ship Registry reported growth of 2.7% until November, in terms of gross registered tons (GRT), according to the latest statistics published by Clarksons Research, an English company that manages databases of the maritime sector.
The growth is registered despite the global crisis, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
According to the (AMP), the Ship Registry is at the best moment in the last decade, of the almost 30 years that Panama has been the leader, consecutively, in the flagging of ships. They are followed by Liberia and the Marshall Islands as the two main competitors of Panama in the registry of ships.
According to the AMP, the accumulated growth of the Registry between the months of July 2019, when the administration of President Cortizo began and October of this year, was 6.10%, “which represents the most important figure in recent years. 10 years”.
“We have managed to reduce the cancellation of ships by 20%, which is very positive, and is the result of the reengineering and analysis of information that we have been doing, and the creation of the business intelligence department,” said Rafael Cigarruista, director Merchant Marine of the AMP.
With these results, the Panamanian registry accumulates a total of 8 ,499 ships and 228 million TRB.
This is a growth of 10.6 million TRB, which positions Panama as the leader with 16% of the world merchant fleet