OPINION: Panama’s opium dream

Every day that passes, citizens must be sharper, since it seems that the State is a booty that is shared by the politicians of each party that alternate in power. It is hard to believe that every day we come across a business that smells like a bargain. This is not an exception, it is the daily routine. Transparency and accountability have received a kick and been relegated without anyone being able to force officials to justify their decisions or explain to us how the money that belongs to us is invested or spent. They believe they are above the Law and, especially, above the citizens, who consider us only the source of the money that makes it possible for them to have the status of royalty or members of a privileged caste. Panama needs to wake up from this opium dream in which the only ones who are aware of what they are doing are them. Let’s not wait for a miracle to happen by divine grace; This miracle will only be possible if society begins to demand explanations, to take the initiative. Only then will a change occur. Otherwise, consciously or unconsciously, we are giving up the country we now know. – LA PRENSA Oct, 7