OPINION; Speeding with the brakes on

The schedule for reopening economic activities, presented by the national government, maintains uncertainty, and continues to punish the economy. According to the main leaders of the business associations, the Cortizo administration’s calendar prolongs the closing of businesses too long, causing more unemployment, and unnecessarily postponing essential activities for the country. The vast majority of Panamanian companies that are in a position to open are willing to take care of their employees and protect their customers. Prolonging the restriction of days out by sex denies opportunities and benefits to all of society. How do you intend to stimulate restaurants and domestic tourism?

It is contradictory to open activities without clients. Citizens can act as responsible adults, facilitating both the control of the pandemic and the awakening of the economy. The fact that the government does not effectively dialogue with the different sectors of society, and in this case the business sector, produces great doubt about how and with whom this schedule was agreed. The best way to govern is not by ordering, but by convincing. LA PRENSA, Aug.27