Protesting covid fighting doctors paid with promises

At least 400 doctors hired by the Ministry of Health (Minsa)  in June on three- month renewable contracts to face the Covid-19 pandemic are still awaiting their first fortnight’s paycheck.

The calculation comes  from the doctors, as the figure has not been confirmed by the Ministry  which is desperately seeking additional personnel,

Michelle Chávez, a general practitioner, said that there are about 150 doctors with COVID-19 and that there are another 250 infected professionals, such as health technicians, nurses, and respiratory therapists.

This week two nurses died from the virus.

Chávez and other doctors report that some of those affected have not been paid for approximately six months.

Chávez said that not receiving a salary is only part of the problem, since having signed a contract with the Minsa, they cannot take advantage of the bank moratorium on loan payments and they do not have the right to receive a bonus or food bags from the Panama Solidario Plan. So, they are working, but their condition is worse than if they were not, she said.

Ana Serrano president of the National Association of Nurses said they repeatedly requested the Ministry of Health for the list of infected nurses, but they have not been able to obtain it.

Health Minister  Luis Francisco Sucre, announced on Thursday that he requested an extraordinary session of the National Assembly Budget Committee to request a transfer of funds with which about $6 million going to the payment of shifts and other salaries owed to health personnel.

“We are aware that the processes that by law must be followed to cancel these payments have not been carried out as quickly as we would have liked. However, we reiterate that as soon as possible, the payments will be canceled in full, “said the minister.