Covid-19 survivor gets heartstopping million dollar hospital bill

A 70-year-old American who was infected with Covid-19 and hospitalized for two months in Seattle (had the unpleasant surprise of receiving an 181-page bill for more than a million dollars, the Seattle Times revealed Saturday.
Michael Flor was admitted on March 4 at the Swedish Issaquah Medical Center in Seattle. In the 62 days he spent there he was so close to death that one night the nurses telephoned for his wife and two children to say goodbye to him.
But he recovered and, amid applause and cheers from the nursing staff, he was released on May 5.
His heart was about to “stop a second time” when he received the huge bill for a total amount of $1,122,1501, the newspaper said.
The bill details the care he received and its cost: $9,736 per day for the intensive care room, almost $409,000 for his stay in a sterilized room due to the 42-day spread of the coronavirus, $ 82,000 for use of an artificial respirator for 29 days, or $ 100,000 for “last chance” care, when his prognosis was life and death for two days.
However, Flor, who is a beneficiary of Medicare senior health insurance, should not have to pay it, according to the Seattle Times.
The gigantic plan to help the American economy adopted by Congress includes a budget of $ 100 million to compensate hospitals and private insurance companies that treated Covid-19 patients