OPINION: Flouting virus rules costs lives

The number of infections from Covid-19 has grown significantly. This is due to the existence of clusters in various parts of the country, but also to the indifferent attitude of a segment of the population. The civil servants who are fighting the pandemic face great limitations and the challenges that must be addressed seem endless. This should be enough for us all to be in solidarity and much more responsible with our neighbors. There are no police or health personnel in the world who can permanently monitor irresponsible and unintelligent people. It is lacking that more citizens wear masks and maintain social distancing. Even so, those who have the resources to take care of themselves in the best hospitals to get sick cannot feel safe. The health inequality gap punishes this society and protects no one. The reopening of economic activities should be seen as a way to alleviate unemployment and hunger in many households. It is a pity that for a few inconsiderate, those who complied with quarantine and sanitary regulations are threatened in their health and well-being. Indifference kills.- LA PRENSA June 5