OPINION: Quarantine return demands answers

Panama lived 68 days of a very severe curfew. The objectives were to flatten the contagion curve, expand the attention capacity of the health system and interrupt the possibilities of infection to “win the battle” for Covid-19.
In the latter, the policy failed. During the past two weeks, cases have increased significantly. Without giving further explanations, six days after lifting the day restrictions the authorities reapply the total quarantine. And, again, they do so without a date for the end of the measure, in violation of the principles of control of power in a republic.
Undoubtedly, the increase in cases is alarming, but those infections did not occur last week. So, Why go back to quarantine? How have the new infections occurred? Why after almost 10 weeks locked up was the epidemic not controlled? To be sure, there are more and better reasons than to blame the irresponsible. But neither can we make our own analysis due to the lack of depth and detail in the available data. Where is the reflection exercise on the applied measures? – LA PRENSA, Jun.8