Fake news with political aims

In recent weeks, purchases have been reported from State entities with obvious price premiums to the detriment of the credibility of the Government. We applaud the corrections and layoffs that have occurred. However, the largest purchases with surcharges originate from the Ministry of the Presidency and this directly spills over to the President and his team, whom the population holds responsible for the excesses and provokes street protests.
To regain credibility, the President must make difficult, but necessary, decisions, because otherwise, the situation may get out of control, with uncertain consequences, but easy to imagine. President, this conjuncture merits immediate and accurate actions, as those of the past were carried out; send a message to the rest of your government and the country. An official cannot be his priority in the face of this serious state crisis. This, in addition, gives rise to cowardly political actors – famous for throwing the stone and hiding their hands – take advantage of the networks to spread uncertainty and chaos, with false news and campaigns, taking advantage of the critical moment to discredit him, since his only and petty interest is to return to power in 2024. – LA PRENSA, Apr 30