Next 10 days vital in  fight against coronavirus

Although Panama has entered the stage of “viral suppression”, is necessary to continue with the measures established by the health authorities said Dr. Javier Nieto, a member of the Coronavirus Monitoring Commission on  Wednesday, April 22.

The next 10 days will be vital to observe the behavior of the disease. He said that the country acted  “in a judicious and timely manner with the closure of activities and the curfew, and later, the quarantine.

Hot spots
These measures have reduced the doubling time of the virus and its reproductive number, according to Nieto. Despite this, there are regions of the country where people still have to responsibly comply with the measures to reduce the reproductive number of cases, including Panama Este, Chiriquí and Colón.

The control of the disease is achieved through massive testing, tracing the contact lines, isolating them, and monitoring outbreaks in potential groups, as happened with the community of Koskuna, in Arraiján, where a sanitary fence was placed.

The world changed after COVID-19 Nieto said  and the measures that the authorities are deciding will depend on the progressive decrease in cases, so people should know that we are not going to have shows or activities that involve a large number of participants in a short time.

He said s that these measures will be gradual and people must become aware of maintaining their controls until we have effective treatments and vaccines, which he estimates will not occur in the next 18 months