Ukraine  evacuating Panama citizen from coronavirus epicenter

A Panamanian citizen in the Chinese city of Wuhan, the epicenter of the Covid-19 (coronavirus)  outbreak will be evacuated in the coming days with the help of the Ukrainian government.

The evacuation follows intense diplomatic efforts, because the city has a land and air blockade to prevent the disease from spreading to other districta in China.

“ In the midst of these efforts, the support of the Ukrainian government was requested, which has will send a plane to evacuate, in the next few days their own nationals. Foreign Minister  Alejandro Ferrer communicated directly with his Ukrainian counterpart, Vadym Prystaiko, to request his support, and received a positive  response, ” says a  ministry press release

The Panamanian student will complete her period of quarantine observation in Ukraine and then be transferred to Panama.

Currently, in other cities in China, there are 9 Panamanians, including a minor, who will be evacuated in the coming days.

“ The Panamaembassy in Beijing,  has been in constant communication and aware of the health status of the Panamanian student in Wuhan, as well as the rest of the students in China, ” says the Ministry.