President ousts two ministers over prison escape

President Laurentino Cortizo showed the promised iron hand for government backsliders on Wednesday afternoon, February 5, with the announcement that  Rolando Mirones he Minister of Public Security, has presented his resignation.

At the same time  Carlos Romero will leave the post of Government Minister, Cortizo announced, from the Presidency.

Commissioner Juan Manuel Pino Forero, until now director of the National Aeronaval Service ( Senan ) will replace Morones.  He took office immediately after Cortrizo’s televised  announcement

Ramón Nonato López, current deputy director of the Senan, will become Director.

The president did not say who Romero’s replacement will be but he promised the announcement will soon.

This is Cortizo’s first public intervention since the escape of Gilberto Ventura Ceballos escape  from La Nueva Joya  prison on Monday night was known Ventura was serving  50 years for the murder of five young Chorreranos of Chinese descent  and an additional fuve years for a previous escape