Coronavirus delays new convention center showcase opening

Expocomer, the ” Showcase of World Trade ” that normally open in March and had been heralded as the first international event at the new Amador Convention Center will now run from June 3 to 6
“We are very proud that Expocomer 20202will be the first international event to be inaugurated at the new Panama Convention Center,” said Jorge Juan de la Guardia, president of the Chamber of Commerce (Cciap). He added that, as a responsible guild, and given the global health situation with the coronavirus, “The Chamber has decided to postpone the commercial exhibition, which has always been developed in March, to the month of June .”
A press release said that Panama has a lot to offer to exhibitors, buyers and visitors who meet every year both at fair activities organized by the Chamber, as well as at other meetings held in the country. Jorge García Icaza, president of the Organizing Committee said that for 20 years CCIAP had stated that Atlapa had run out of space for Expocomer to expand.
“Now, with the opening of this new center, events can be bigger and it is a fundamental piece for hotels in the city, because it will attract a large flow of visitors, improve hotel occupancy and other economic agents in the country,”