No laws to promote impunity says Cortizo

Panama President, Laurentino Cortizo said on Saturday, February 1 that he would never sanction a law that promoted impunity for high profile offenders.
He was referring to an amendment that was passed in the National Assembly and that would allow community work benefits to people who have been convicted of high-profile crimes, and reached a plea deal.
“Rest assured that we are not going to pass any law that promotes impunity or illegality,” said the president, adding that “we are not going to sanction any kind of law that benefits crime,” said the President in Tolé, Chiriquí.
According to Cortizo after a meeting with the Attorney General, prosecutors, executives of the National Police and the Minister of Security, some new strategies have been proposed to attack crime and insecurity in the country.
“Obviously we have deficiencies at all levels and what we have to do is identify them and in one column put what needs to be done, in another column put the person in charge and in another third column put in what time, that’s what we are doing, ”said the president.
In the midst of a community work tour in Tolé, , Cortizo said he seeks to hear from his own people their needs and provide solutions to the most priority, without promising what cannot be fulfilled. , but what can be done in the short and medium term.
DURING Community Cabinet Council, funds of more than$50 million were committed in health, water infrastructure, roads, housing and sustainableO development.