OPINION: Bloody Climax to State Abandonment

The Panamanian soil has been stained with the blood of a tragedy: the horror of El Terrón, which manifests the violence unleashed in the absence of State action.

What has happened to the billions of dollars spent on the Opportunities Network, the Universal Scholarship, and other grants? In the case of the region, the killing adds to a legacy of death of children due to “natural causes” of whooping cough and tuberculosis, because they were not vaccinated;  In addition, there is the loss of lives of teachers and nurses crossing flooded rivers and a rosary of social indicators of hunger, disease and illiteracy.

Religious fanaticism could cause deaths in the region thanks to the prolonged abandonment of the State. The tragedies Panamanians endure are not acts of God, but human decisions or omissions that in a short or long chain of events, the outcome of the shedding of the blood of many innocents.

Although the effective response of the authorities and other agents of to such a tragedy must be recognized, perhaps the ceilings of lost hope or the new schools that were never built would have changed the history of this abandoned and excluded community for decades

LA PRENSA, Jan. 19.