Panama’s water crisis

Never before has the water situation been so critical for the country. The legacy of decades of improvisation and environmental irresponsibility is taking our toll. The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) is looking for the most sustainable way to guarantee water for human consumption in the metropolitan area, and for the Canal operation. This is not a problem of the ACP, it is a challenge of the entire Panamanian State.
The administration of President Laurentino Cortizo must, without further delay, do what is necessary to be on the same page as the ACP in this effort If the difficult water situation for the Canal is resolved, that represents more health, more jobs and more economic activities. It seems a great contradiction that Idaan is more concerned with the tank truck business, than for definitely solving the water supply of the entire metropolitan area.
Both Idaan and the Ministry of Economy and Finance must be part of the task of keeping the Panama Canal viable. Otherwise, they will be stealing the future from Panamanians. In the end, it is a political decision. So, the question is: Are you willing to do it? –LA PRENSA, Jan.21