Countdown to elimination of plastic bags in stores

The countdown clock in Parque Urracá originally installed to mark off the days leading to World Youth Day, and re-activated for the weeks to the May 5  election, is back in action to mark the regressive count towards July 20, when in Panama it will no longer be possible to use plastic bags in stores.

The latest countdown is an initiative of the National Association for the Conservation of Nature (Ancon), which has stressed the importance of eliminating the use of plastic products.

Retail stores have until July 19 to provide paper or reusable bags. In addition, the customer can bring shopping bags from home.

Officials of the Consumer Protection and Defense of Competition Authority will make operatives to ensure that the reusable bags are sold at cost to consumers.

Rita Spadafora, executive director of Ancon, said it is the first initiative in the region to combat an element as polluting as plastic bags. She said that the elimination of plastic bags is the first step and in the National Assembly there is also another draft bill to eliminate the use of foam for food packaging.