OPINION: Government  pimps skip education

The greatest wealth of a country is not in its natural resources or in its structures or roads. It is its people. And if you have an education, it is doubly richer. Our educational platform is decades behind. That has made our people dependent on the government of the day. The State must allocate billions in subsidies every year because simply the poor Panamanians become poorer because they need State funds to survive. We are talking about subsidies such as universal scholarships, gas, buses, the subway, the Social Security Fund, electricity, houses, the elderly without retirement, etc. And it is likely that more will be created or the amounts will increase, thanks to the campaign promises that the presidential candidates are making. In other words, The intervention of the State in the lives of the people is more evident, and it has the consent of those affected, who now believe they have the right to claim these subsidies and those that will come later. For decades, it has been a cry of society for education reforms to be introduced to make citizens productive, with which our economy would improve every year. But, far from it, the governments have been the pimps between the easy money and those who demand that the State solve their lives. Only education will make it possible for citizens to recover the dignity that governments have taken from them. It has been a cry of society for education reforms to be introduced to make citizens productive people, with which our economy would improve every year – LA PRENSA, Apl. 21