OPINION: Organized crime and politicians

The representative of the 8-4 circuit Alfredo Fello Perez, of the Democratic Revolutionary Party, who  is seeking re-election, is under investigation for the alleged commission of environmental crimes, for alleged links to organized crime and for the alleged issuance of multiple checks without funds  Although the presumption of innocence and the right to due process of this deputy deserve prompt and effective action by the Supreme Court of Justice, it is the duty of the voters and political parties to verify that their candidates offer them the best examples of behavior to the citizens. Under no circumstances can Panama allow us to lose democracy because of the suspicion of links between its politicians and organized crime, nor can it be accepted that the policy is used to conceal or facilitate crime.

There are too many examples already in our country and in the Latin American region of how criminal organizations penetrated politics until they become inseparable business partners. President Juan Carlos Varela, enough of complaints without names in the heat of the moment. Panamanians deserve to know the truth –LA PRENSA, Apl.15