50% chance of El Niño until October

There is a 50-50 % probability that the  El Niño weather phenomenon will extend until October, causing less rainfall during the rainy season, according to Alcelys Lau , manager of Climatology at Etesa which could further problems for the Canal authorities who have already issued reduced draft notices  for vessels transiting  the waterway lasting into May with lake water levels at their lowest since the canal opened in 1914.

The atmospheric phenomenon of El Niño causes droughts in the Pacific area and an excess of rain on the Caribbean side, warms the waters of the tropical Pacific Ocean and its presence affects agricultural crops, livestock, and fisheries. In addition, the chances of forest fires increase.

It is expected that in the next quarter, from April to June, there will be rains lower than normal, influenced by the El Niño phenomenon of weak to moderate category. Azuero is the region most affected by the climate variation, with farmers already hard hit by water shortages.

“Water is the most important asset in the country, so a decrease can affect the level of rivers and the draft of the Canal. In the case of producers, we work to train them and take considerations, “said Lau.

Although we are late to store water, we must have more friendly practices with the environment, explained the official.