Embassies lead “no car” day

WITH the start return of the school year and the looming threat of paralyzed city streets the US Embassy in Panama is spearheading a ‘Panama without car’ initiative.
This initiative of the Green Team of the US Embassy invites residents of Clayton and neighboring areas to leave the car at home on next Wednesday, March 13, and to travel to work or school by bike or walking. It also promotes car sharing or using public transportation that day to reduce the number of vehicles on the streets.
The Embassies y of the Netherlands and Germany and , the Movement of Cyclists in the Streets of Panama (MCCP), have also stepped up to the plate to promote cleaner air and a city with less traffic.
“The participating embassies and cyclists hope that # PanamáSinCarro encourages residents of Panama City, from all neighborhoods, to transport themselves in a healthier and more fun way, that produces less pollution and bottlenecks,” said the interim head of mission of the United States, Roxanne Cabral.
People who participate in # PanamáSinCarro will gather for a group photo at the Kiwanis Sports City, at the City of Knowledge, at 5:30 pm on Wednesday, March 13.. The US United States Embassy will give bicycle helmets and/or T-shirts to the first 50 people who show up for the photo on their bike or walking.