Panama’s laundering politicians


Panama is a country in which new scandals cover the old ones. Given the slowness of the judicial system and the limited audit and oversight capacity of the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic, it is very easy for corruption investigations to be forgotten. That is why we must celebrate the fact that the Public Prosecutor’s Office has continued with the pertinent investigation into the misuse of public funds through the communal boards of almost the entire country, investigations that -except to those of the province of Panama- will continue under the system accusatory criminal. This good news allows citizens to have hope for faster justice and, therefore, The entire dark plot that made the most humble communal councils in the country into bastions of money laundering for politicians of all sides was clarified promptly, as long as they accepted the tricks of the past government. High-profile cases of corruption, such as that of community boards, face a race against time, since unfortunately it is very possible that the change of government in the coming months represents a modification of the priorities in the fight against corruption. It is thus, then, that we Panamanians must demand from all the participants in the electoral contest, that the investigations and audits continue, and that more resources be assigned to the institutions of justice. like the one of the communal boards, they face a race against the time, since unfortunately it is very possible that the change of government in the coming months represents a modification of the priorities in the fight against corruption. It is thus, then, that we Panamanians must demand from all the participants in the electoral contest, that the investigations and audits continue, and that more resources be assigned to the institutions of justice.- LA PRENSA, Mar