Aguadulce bans liquor sales for WYD

With some 200  WYD pilgrims in the city to participate in World Youth Day (WYD), -Jan 22-27- the Mayor of Aguadulce has signed a decree banning dance activities and the sale of alcoholic beverages until January 30.

Those who flout the decree face fines of that  of $500 to $ 1,000 or its equivalent behind bars or performing community works The measure is aimed at canteens, bars, wineries, nightclubs, barbecues, restaurants, which maintain commercial registration enabled for the sale of liquors between meals, billiards, and casinos with liquor sales and all those premises with similar purposes.

The mayoral decree also orders the suspension of the permits for the celebration of activities with the sale of alcoholic beverages in the community.

So far for pre-=World Youth Day activities a little over 200 pilgrims from Poland, Slovenia, Argentina, Colombia, and Mexico are in the city, reports La Prensa.