Panama-China FTA talks move to Beijing

THE SECOND round of negotiations for the Panama-China Free Trade Agreement (FTA) begin Monday, August 20, in Beijing, and will continue through August 24.
Panama ’s chief negotiator Alberto Alemán Arias said that during the session both delegations will end up agreeing terminology, concepts, and definitions that will apply throughout the business agreement and will begin the presentation and analysis of their respective positions of tariff lines services and products.
“In this round, we hope to clear any doubts in both teams about terminology, definitions, and scope of the commercial agreement, “he said.
A total of 27 representatives of business and productive associations confirmed their participation in the “Fourth Deputy Consultation”. Alemán Arias valued as “very positive” that a group of businessmen and producers will be present. “For us, it has been very important to maintain an open and agile communication with the private sector so we will achieve a good agreement for Panama,” he said
The FTA negotiations were launched in Beijing on June 12 at the end of one year of diplomatic relations between the two countries.
Panama exports goods to China for a value that barely exceeds $40 million. while China sends over $1 billion of products to Panama.