OPINION: Nicaragua a ticking bomb for Panama

NICARAGUA today hurts all Latin Americans. The country is the victim of another populist dictatorship disguised as social democracy. The terrible repression unleashed since April 18 has claimed the lives of hundreds of young people, housewives, farmers, small entrepreneurs, children and the elderly. The misgovernment of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo has plunged the poetic country into a nightmare of blood and lies. Slowly, the countries of the region have understood that the crisis in Nicaragua can be transformed into a time bomb for all of Central America, including Panama. It is not an exaggeration to think that hundreds of thousands of refugees from the brother country flee to ours, in search of a way out from the violence unleashed by the dictator Daniel Ortega. Panama should not repeat the errors of tolerance for the abusive practices of Nicaragua, as it did with those of Venezuela. The clearest lesson of Nicaragua is that the villages are not silenced by subsidies or intimidated by paramilitary thugs. We all need a Nicaragua free of dictators. LA PRENSA,  Jul. 17