Teflon lady targeted by Panama Transparency boss and Comptroller

Yanibel Ábrego. president of the National Assembly and a CD deputy already in the sights of the Comptroller General for blocking a team of forensic auditors from examining the flawed expenditure reports of lawmakers is now being targeted by the Transparency and Access to Information body (Antai), for refusing to provide information
Ábrego is already facing a denunciation in the Supreme Court.
The body directed by Angélica Maytin has sent a letter to Ábrego, telling her she must face a “sanctioning summary process” for delivering “incomplete and inaccurate” information about the breakdown of the personnel assigned to each of the deputies.
Maytín also requests the president of the Legislature to appear at her office “in a personal capacity or through a legal attorney so that she is notified of the opening of this process and to render the corresponding releases.”
The Law created the Antai allows Angelica Maytin “apply fines to public servants for up to an amount that does not exceed 50% of their monthly salary
Recently 22 deputies of the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) decided to support the re-election of Ábrego whose survival skills have earned her the Teflon lady sobriquet but, as the comptroller has shown, there’s more than one way to skin a rabbit.