OPINION: Judicial bias and court manipulation

There are laws tailored to deal with corruption, but because, in addition, some judicial representatives ensure that they do not work. Such is the case of the judge who handles the case of the Finmeccanica radars, whose attitude reveals a lot about an obvious and shameful bias that prevents the State – that is, all of us – from repairing for the damage it suffered because of a contract whose injury to the country has been recognized.

On the other hand, we have a former president who behaves erratically and capriciously and who, when losing, decides to change the rules of the game at his convenience. Renouncing the Central American Parliament to argue that the magistrates of the Supreme Court that his judges are disqualified from judging him.The magistrates of should avoid that dangerous game. In these moments, what is at stake is not the particular situation of one defendant or another, but the defense of the Panamanian legal institutionality.

The die is cast. Now it is the responsibility of those in charge to impart justice …LA PRENSA, June 25