Protesting farmers cheated by Varela

Hundreds of farmers from across  the country demonstrated in Divisa, Herrera,   on  Thursday, June 21 to  protest growing imports which they claim are devastating Panama’s agricultural sector,

The producers were posted at the entrance of the facilities of the Ministry of Development Agropecuario in Divisa and announced that they would march 4 kilometers on the Inter-American Highway to highlight their concerns

Aquiles Acevedo, president of the National Association of Cattle Ranchers (Anagan) said that not only the ranchers are dissatisfied, but also poultry farmers and beans, maize and vegetable producers, who agree that the government is making them disappear.

He said  that they have met on three occasions with President Juan Carlos Varela, and a dozen times with the middle managers, and each time the number of import companies increases

“We feel cheated,” said Acevedo, indicating that only this Wednesday, June 20, the Official Gazette published the establishment of seven importing plants in Nicaragua and Argentina (six of meat and one of milk).

“The agricultural sector is going through a very chaotic situation, warned Acevedo, and if they do not have answers we will paralyze the country at different points.