OPINION: Solving a nefarious policy

Yesterday, the president of the United States, Donald Trump, signed a decree that ended the nefarious policy of separating families from undocumented migrants The Dantean stories of crying and confused infants locked in cages or sleeping between tarpaulins dismayed world public opinion

Many countries face a serious migration problem, but to use children

childhood as hostages of zero tolerance policy is an absurdity. The Latin American migration is the result of violence and misery, and of despair and corruption. The huge budget allocated to the construction of a border wall could serve to lift the precarious economies of the northern triangle of Central America and strengthen Mexican governability.

The migrations will persist as long as the causes that drive them exist. Open societies cannot turn their backs on this terrible reality. The international condemnation against the separation of families must be the beginning of a great world dialogue to solve the great challenge of migration in a humanitarian way. Oppressed peoples will always seek freedom…LA PRENSA, June 21