OPINION: US buries Martinelli political persecution mantra

There is a lot of skepticism among citizens about the possibility that Panamanian justice will conduct an honest analysis and produce an independent and legal ruling in the process that is followed by Ricardo Martinelli Berrocal. However, the decision of Department of State of the United States to approve his extradition to Panama, made public yesterday June 8, 2018, is an achievement for the Panamanian State.

In the first place, it implies the recognition, on the part of the US authorities, that the charges for which Martinelli’s extradition  is requested by the Supreme Court

related to the illegal eavesdropping over 150  people during his government are solid.

At the same time, it indicates that the United States dismissed the complaints

that the former president was a victim of political persecution and that, if delivered to Panama, his rights would be violated.

The Government of the United States assessed positively the request of the Panamanian authorities and decided to comply with the agreements signed with our country, ignoring the shameless open letter – half clamor, half blackmail – presented by the former president after withdrawing the appeals with which he had tried to stop his extradition.

Although we cannot fall into the naivety of thinking that from now on it is only a matter of time before the president considered by many to be the most corrupt in our history pays for his crimes, but  we can open a parenthesis of optimism to recognize that an important step has been taken.

The fight continues and the next battle we will have in Panama is to create Panamanians without fears or complexes  … LA PRENSA, horporhoy June 9