OPINION: Supreme Court enabling crisis

It is difficult to reflect on the terrible role played by the Supreme Court in the drama between the National Assembly and the Comptroller General of the Republic. On the one hand, the Court refused to declare in contempt of office the president of the Assembly for refusing to hand over to the Comptroller’s Office the expenditure reports  of her administration; and at the same time, the highest court rejected the criminal complaint filed by the Comptroller’s Office against deputy Yanibel Ábrego, alleging the lack of evidence of a public and notorious fact.

To make matters worse, the Court admitted an amparo to the deputy Ábrego, which questions the power to audit that the Comptroller’s Office has.

Months ago, the Court allowed the Commission of Credentials of the Assembly to be dismantled, against the Constitution and the law. This is what causes the Assembly to behave in an arrogant and disloyal manner with democracy because it knows that the Supreme Court of Justice has given it the Corsican license of impunity and of protection against any investigation or denunciation.

If the country is in crisis, the great culprit is the Supreme Court of Justice, which refuses to make certain of the punishment for the greatest abuses of power that deputies commit. Ending impunity is the only solution to the institutional conflict … LA PRENSA June 7