81,000 accommodations for Panama World Youth Day

With earlier projections of up to 400,000 pilgrims for World Youth Day coming to Panama in January 2019  over 81,000  host accommodations have been registered so far.

Representatives from over 80 countries meeting to  review  logistics were told by  the Archbishop of Panama, José Domingo Ulloa on Thursday, June 7: “We  are working to provide the best conditions to the thousands of young people who will make the pilgrimage to Panama,”

Eydin Solanilla, director of Registration and Reception of the WYD, said in addition to the 81,000 host spaces It is estimated that, for the activity in the isthmus, there will be more than 150 reception centers for pilgrims (national and international).

On the accommodation spaces, Ulloa acknowledged that “in many homes, we have found many prejudices”.

He said  that young people participating in the 5-day event, attended by Pope Francis, go through a due process, so “you have to break down those fears.”