Agricultural excellence centers for Panama
The Construction of the first of three “centers of agricultural excellence” in Panama will take place next year a plot of land measuring between 7 and 10 hectares in the province of Los Santos,
It follows the signing of a memorandum of agreement between the agricultural authorities of Israel and Panama to build three centers valued at $6 million. The Los Santos center will be in El Ejido, in the facilities of the National Institute of Agriculture.
It will be the first in Latin America and will have agrotechnology. Farmers and students will receive training and the entire production chain will be developed, from sowing, harvesting, and marketing, to the sale of horticultural products.”
the Ministry of Agricultural Developments said that ” … In Chiriquí we will be looking for a place, taking advantage of the funds of the Agricultural Master Plan of the Western Region. Apart from the investment that is going to be made, it is an opportunity to exchange technical knowledge with Israel, keeping the agreements that we are already using with producers, scientists, and agronomists”.