“Alarming” increase in Panama child sex crime

The increase  in sexual crime against children in Panama  is described as “alarming”,  by  the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) following figures  published by the Public Ministry  “The increase in the figures of crimes against freedom and sexual integrity reported by the MP institution for the year 2017 is alarming,” the world body said , without specifying figures.

In 2015, 4,812 crimes against sexual freedom and integrity were registered in Panama, according to a  report by the Public Ministry, 88 percent of the victims were children under 17.

The Prosecutor’s Office reported 81 cases of corruption of minors, 1,008 of child pornography and 1,814 of rape, among other crimes against sexual freedom and integrity.

In the 2017 report, the Public Ministry reported 6,621 cases of crimes against sexual freedom and integrity, of which 164 corresponded to the corruption of minors, 536 to child pornography, 25 to acts of obscene or pornographic exhibitionism with minors and 2,986 of “violation.”

 A Unicef statement on Friday. March 23  said  that sexual abuse against children “has been silent or ignored for years,” which has made it “difficult for them to file complaints and formulate evidence-based public policies.”

But it stressed that “Fortunately, the community and the authorities have begun to become aware of this crime, which is particularly serious because it is almost always perpetrated by a relative or person close to the victim.”

“Sexual abuse is just another of the multiple manifestations of violence faced by children and adolescents in Panama, especially in their immediate surroundings,” Unicef said.

It  also expressed that “a plea  for concrete measures to be taken to prevent, denounce and restitute rights in cases of sexual abuse that include the establishment of a System of Guarantees and Comprehensive Protection of the Rights of Children and Adolescents.”

And  “the strengthening of specialized services for victims, and the installation of free lines that provide advice and accompaniment in the reports of sexual abuse, child pornography and commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents.”

The UN body  recalled that “any case of sexual abuse” to minors “has serious and lasting repercussions on the life and development of children and adolescents.”

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