US Supreme Court denies Martinelli habeas corpus


RICARDO MARTINELLI’S efforts to dodge the bullet and avoid extradition to Panama to face trial got another setback on Monday,   October2   when The United States Supreme Court denied, a habeas

corpus, presented by the former president on July 24. The case had been assigned to Judge Clarence

Thomas, who had previously denied a bail in favor of Martinelli, arrested since June 12 in Miami, pending extradition to Panama. The bond was requested on July 26 and denied by Thomas five days late.

The full US Supreme Court discussed the habeas corpus on September 25 , but the decision was released on Monday.

On August 30, Federal judge Edwin Torres endorsed Martinelli’s extradition to Panama. The case was referred to the State, to  take the final decision. On  September 28 last, the Martinelli defense filed a habeas corpus – before the Southern District Court of Florida, demanding  demands Martinelli’s non-delivery to Panama, as well as his immediate release, alleging that Torres had no jurisdiction to act and that the extradition treaty between United States and Panama, signed in 1904, was not applicable in this case.